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Your project is not listed on Coins Folks yet? You can submit it for free! Make your project accessible to thousands of visitors.

As the amount of project submitting are amazingly high, before submitting a project, make sure:
– Your project has a ‘high-quality’ website with enough information. (We review every project website manually!)
– Your project has an active ‘Social Media’ presence.
– The information provided about the project is well-written, in English and most of all, complete.

If you want to make changes to your submitted project or need any help? Feel free to email us on [email protected]

Project name*
Token shortname*
Release year*
Project type*
Project summary* (max 125 Characters)*
Project description**
Website URL *
Whitepaper URL (or FAQ)*
Twitter URL*
Your name*
Your Email Address*
Featured Image*
Maximum file size: 5 MB
Insert only PNG File