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Discover the first user-owned virtual world powered by Cardano and participate in its creation, exploration, and trading.

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About Pavia

Goodbye, past. Gerolamo (Jerome) Cardano was born in Pavia, Italy, in September 1501., a Cardano-based metaverse, launches in 2021. Our virtual world is Pavia.

Digital landownership
Pre-thanks! Digital landowner. has 100,000 NFT Lands. This digital universe will only succeed with the Cardano community’s love and support. Some 60,000 Lands were sold from October to November 2021, and the last sale will be in Q1 2022.

Each NFT land is a unique CNFT based on coordinates. Early on, you can’t visit or deploy content on your land parcel, but 3D working groups have established on the project’s Discord. There are feel-videos.

Pavia Corp airdropped 500,000,000 $PAVIA tokens in December 2021. These will benefit the game and metaverse. Cardano’s initial DEXs get liquidity. CoinMarketCap lists the token. In the coming weeks and months, this project will grow.



Ridotto is the very first protocol that allows gambling and lotteries to take place over many chains.

Aping Riot Community

We are a community that has taken over from a failed founder who created some amazing art.

AdaLite Wallet

A minimalist Cardano wallet that works right in your browser. The Trezor and Ledger hardware wallets are supported. Staking.

Nano Frames

You may see your NFTs on the walls of your house if you link them to your Cardano wallet.