Eternl, light wallet

Eternl, light wallet
A Cardano light wallet for the Cardano people group.

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About Eternl

Eternl is a completely useful Cardano light wallet for the program. It will be the reason for every one of the extra highlights, that the Cardano community needs for a cutting-edge web wallet.

By executing highlights mentioned by the local area, we will endeavor to be the imaginative light wallet for power clients and rookies the same. Work by local area individuals for the entire Cardano people group. We’ve previously executed many elements that are missing in the present wallets: NFT show, better symbolic handling,



Ridotto is the very first protocol that allows gambling and lotteries to take place over many chains.

Aping Riot Community

We are a community that has taken over from a failed founder who created some amazing art.

AdaLite Wallet

A minimalist Cardano wallet that works right in your browser. The Trezor and Ledger hardware wallets are supported. Staking.

Nano Frames

You may see your NFTs on the walls of your house if you link them to your Cardano wallet.